Ah a new day a new beginning, I wonder who said that first? Anyways, my new beginning was pretty much like those bunker busters that Bush fired at Osama. Phew! Not pretty. Staggered into office wishing I didn't have to, but then I do that pretty much every day. I mean, how many of us really want to go to work? Maybe some of us like what we do, but still, given the choice……..would you want to go?
Paycheques haven’t been released yet. This sucks. The fact that I’m blogging about everyday things after I said I wouldn’t sucks as well.
“Let us attack” – Warcraft3.
Nightlife in Colombo sucks. To quote the immortal Pink Floyd “We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears”. Yep pretty much sums it up. Weekends here. The Plan - Blue? Cas? Clancy’s, Molly’s? Or watch some band playing somewhere? Same old same old. Sometimes I wonder whether we really HAVE to go party? I mean is it absolutely necessary that we go out partying during the weekends? Personally I prefer a quiet chilled out session with my friends, but that doesn’t always happen. We need a change of scene man. I was talking to The Moose (who’s pretty much in touch with everything) last night about this, and according to him the only thing we can look forward to is a recycled presentation of MKOP, rumoured to be done by Saddam Hussein’s uncle (very few people will know who that is) (and NO DUH, I’m not talking about the real SH, honestly sometimes references are wasted on you lot) and Mr. A. Rena (don’t tell me you can’t figure that one out?). Anyways to get back to the point, oh wow another nigh club and a recycled one at that. Whoopeee. Let’s all jump for joy and go spend money there and make someone rich! Now don’t get me wrong here, I like clubbing, I like going out and having a good time. Just that, I’d like to spend my money on something different and not the same thing every time.
“Nuf bitching about nightlife” - Taurus
In other news, I think I have pissed off several women at Loki’s office by saying various things on chat. Apparently they’d been reading the messages as well. Like I give a shit. It all started when I heard they’d been harassing some bloke online to bring them pizza for lunch. Whoever this guy is, Dude please get a spine! You don’t have to bend over backwards to get a whiff of fishified flesh (well, not unless you were doing some fancy Kama Sutra position). Do not let MANkind down. Now now all you female activists out there don’t get on my case. Just saying that if a guy really likes a girl and wants to do something for her or vice versa, that’s great. But being harassed into it by some unknown people and being taken advantage of, that sucks man. Anyways in the process of chatting about this with Loki I said a few things (as usual) and the rest is history. Anyways, I think I’ve rambled on for long enough, shall bugger orf now.
The BullPit
Asswiping material just for you..............
Friday, August 29, 2003
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Right. Here I am, at last. Sold my soul to the Devil, gave in, joined the Blogging masses. I suppose it’s inevitable, let’s just see how long this lasts. Anyways, I’m here now, INSPIRED to write. No no nothing earth shattering (well something like that – you’ll see) or life altering has happened to me. Does that kinda thing have to happen for someone to be inspired? Interesting topic, but I’m getting sidetracked here. Getting back to the topic, the reason I was inspired was…..Anna Kournikova in a lingerie advert (now that’s earth shattering in it’s own right!). Yes yes, groan all you want, but this is me and the fact that I was fascinated by this ad and proceeded to check it out shouldn’t surprise you at all. Basically it was a bra ad and the tag line was “Only the ball should bounce”. Obviously I was curious as to what this was, besides being obviously piqued that anyone should come up with an audacious idea such as that. WHY? Why shouldn’t other things bounce? They are the very essence of entertainment to men (amongst other things) (and if you don’t know what “they” and “things” refer to……you need help/or you don’t know me). The very idea was sacrilegious, shocking! After falling into a faint (which nobody in office noticed, much to my consternation), I woke up collected my thoughts and decided……….I must let the world know of this dastardly plot! Forget nuclear peace treaties or whatever, we men should come together……er wrong choice of words……we should unite…..still sounds awkward……we men should bind together……..eugh……..well you know what I mean, anyways, together we must fight and protest and whatnot to stop this! Such people who prevent the natural flow of things should be hung and quartered! Apparently this is a new “Shock Absorbing” bra. WOW! What will they think of next? Just when you thought you’d seen it all (actually I haven’t seen the wonderbra in real life, any volunteers?)! I suggest we form a body (here we go again) called the NSAU – Natural Shock Absorbers Union and protest against the loss of jobs, our jobs. Hmm this idea needs more thought I shall explore it later. Anyways, this has turned out to be a long post. I shall figure out the little nuances of this thing called blogging soon and add my little titbits (oooh, I like that word) here and there, till then……….WOOOSH (away I go………..)