Friday, August 13, 2004


Hah! More horribly long words! Paraskevidekatriaphobia means Fear of Friday the 13th. Fascinating. Seriously who sits and comes up with these words? Seems like the trend from the late 70's todate has been to name anythign and everythign. (why do I always end my ng's as gn's, typo typo typo). Seems like the world wants to label EVERYTHING. For example,

I'm feelign lazy to take a bath - blutophobia
That radio's on too loud - Acousticophobia
Don't wanna go out now - Agoraphobia (Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place)
etc etc.
For a full list (pretty much) go check this place out.

Ok, maybe the way I put out the examples is a tad too extreme, but go to any shrink and that's what he'll tell you. Sad. Everythign has a name. Now I understand why some guys give their penises a name.....
as for my consistent gn gn gntypo's , I'm handicapped. I have gngngnophobia! Pity me........

"Fly you fools" - Gandalf (In the mines of Moria)

This world is full of idiots. Hence the defn's in the previous post. Of course when I say Idiot here, I mean the usual proper meaning of the word. Anyways gettign back to my point about idiots. Is intelligence doled out in quantities? Is it a percentage? Is there only a finite quantity of it in existence? Because this country seems to have got more than it's fair share.

eg 1:- You meet someone in a restaurant. First thing they ask you "Hey machang, came to eat?" you blithering idiot, I came shit on a plate and draw pretty flowery designs on it with your noodle brain!

eg 2:- Going to Hotshot at 1 A.M in the morning (as Spike and I usually do). The Security blokes at the car park NEVER fail to ask us, "sir, Kohayda yannay?". At this point I used to stare incredulously at the bloke or go into fits of laughter, soon after which the bloke would let me through. My fried usually says "Hameedia's ekata yanawa, koththu ekak ganna". Like DUH! Where else would you goto (ooh a BASIC command, remember?) in MC at 1 in the mornign?
And don't get me started on the intelligence levels of the waiters at Hotshot. There must be oncelled amoeba on Saturn that are more alert and aware of the world than those dolts.

Nowadays, I'm very patient, because I realise these people have the birth defect of not being able find their arses without a map (assuming they can read that is). It's a wonder they found their way out the womb in the first place. No. Go back further. The sperm was probably wandering along competely lost and without purpose and suddenly crashed into the egg. Probably thought it was a nice place to snuggle into. Fast forward a few years and that action translates itself into grief for us.

Too many fools and idiots.

Idiot - A few definitions

Definitions of idiot on the Web:

a person of subnormal intelligence

<> Intrusion Detection In Our Time. A system that detects intrusions using pattern-matching. (In the immortal words of Tim Taylor - Guahhh???)

A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. (So now Idiot is complimentary?)

meant originally a private person, one not engaged in any public office. Hence Jeremy Taylor says, "Humility is a duty in great ones, as well as in idiots" (private persons). The Greeks have the expressions, "a priest or an idiot" (layman), "a poet or an idiot" (prose-writer). As idiots were not employed in public offices, the term became synonymous with incompetency to fulfil the duties thereof. (Greek, idiotes.) (See Baron.)

Any player who, when being in the final stage of a level, loses against the personal enemy of myself, thus allowing this player to win the level and the game. Any player who, after being hit lethally by my ingenious strategics, droppes a bomb, killing me as well.

A person with learning disabilities. The term was part of a standard classification of people with learning disabilities in the nineteenth century which implied that a person had a severe learning difficulty.

Fascinating eh? and why am I being underlined and hyperlinked....ggrrrrrrr

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


In order to laugh at something, it is necessary (1) to know what you are laughing at, (2) to know why you are laughing, (3) to ask some people why they think you are laughing, (4) to jot down a few notes, (5) to laugh. Even then, the thing may not be cleared up for days.

Truth is stranger than fiction; fiction has to make sense.

A forty-five letter word connoting a lung disease, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, is the longest word in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. The longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary means the act of estimating as worthless — floccipaucinihilipilification, which has twenty-nine letters.

Who the Fuck uses words like this?

Friday, August 06, 2004

Does everyone get this too...

I did that quiz thing from N's site. Ended up getting the same result as her. The Fight Club. Hmmmm....

And he's who?

Yesterdays news.
"Olympic president Jacques Rogge believes Athens is ready to host the 2004 Summer Games. The chief of the International Olympic Committee made his views known after arriving in the Greek capital nine days prior to the start of the Games"
A bit late in the day to say this isn't it? After all the bloody thin is supposed to start NEXT week. And this guy is WHO? President of the Olympic Commitee? Oh wow, the organisational skills of that place is really impressing me now. Not that it failed to impresss me before. After all the whole olympics shenanigan is a disaster anyways no. What with the recent glass dome fiasco, where it wouldn't fit the stadium it was built for to the old times, where one marathon competitor decided to give up and walk back to the start line a little bit into the event. The disaster there was that the course doubled back to to start line so the start line was the finish line as well. And since this dude was taking a nice leisurely walk back he made it back there just as the lead 'walkers' were spotted a few hundrd metre's or so behind him. Of course the vastly intelligent officials, promptly gave the race win to the slacker. Go figure.

Ooh ooh....

Just had to get that out. What with my posting being erratic and all that, it was very annoying that both times that I got any kinda post done - the power went off. Yes yes I know there are ways of overcoming this, but I can't be bothere. So there. Nuff said.
Spik is blogging! No wonder the weather went awry. But then can't blame it all on him, maybe the planets re-aligned or something,
Pressed Ctrl-S thinking this was word. Force of habit. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Bloody blog published! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.
Where was I.........ah yes.....Re-aligned or something, cos some really weird ass things happened to me in the past few weeks. For reasons of confidentiality and getting my career shoved up my ass or me getting shoved up my careers as (both of which would be very painful not to mention dark and stinky {like Cupcake Bunny})
it happened again.
This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD. This is not WORD.
Maybe now I'll stop pressing those damned keys.
Anyways to avoid any kinda shoving anywhere I won't say much here. The gist is I've had a few weirdly weird relationships come my way. Right now it's all very confusing. So this is what Loki must feel like all the
Oh oh oh. Last week at Loki's. (In true Loki style of reproducing conversations - or as close as it gets)
Taurus: "Hey I've got some Mp3's in the car you should hear."
Loki: "Oooh"
T: "Your DVD player can play them no?"
L: "uhuh"
So I shoved the cd into the player and proceeded to manipulate the damn thing via the bloody menu that pops up on TV when you press menu.
Loki returns to the room to see what is playing.
L: "What is that?"
T:"Static-X, good shit no?"
L:" Yes yes, but what is that?"
T:"What's what?"
L:"That MENU! How did you get that?"
T:" Er.....I pressed menu. That's how I always do it, do you usually select songs?"
L:"I keep pressing NEXT....."
T:"even if the song is like no.67 or somethign"
Realisation dawns. T:" I forgot, only 2 braincells. It's ok, I understand"