What's your Carrot?
Pretty much everything you're offered in life is a Carrot. Doesn't make sense? Remember the story of dangling a Carrot in front of a Donkey to make it go faster? Oh yeah, that's what I mean. Humans are essentially Donkey's and all good things offered to them are Carrots. Think about it. My paycheck is a Carrot. Why? Because if it wasn't dangled in front of me, I would sleep my sorry ass off and just wake up whenever I was hungry or needed to take a dump. That's just one example. And there's plenty where that came from. Love, marriage, diplomacy, tolerance, etc etc. Carrots. Oh and of course, how can we forget the greatest Carrot of all.....Heaven. "Do everything right in this life and you will be achieve a shit load of peace happiness and bliss and whatnot when you get to heaven". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Dodgy. Now if I had a vidcon or temporary visiting rights or at least a guided tour to Heave, THEN it would make sense. But no. It's something that someone says and we run after it. We live in such a hopeless lost state of existence that we grasp at this flimsy offer, this rotten scrawny carrot, which probably is a hallucination or just our frickin imagination. We grab on and hold on tight. Why? Maybe because we all know deep down inside, that without a carrot to look forward to, there's nothing to keep us going.
Rather a bleak and escapist post after a whole damn year of silence huh? Just felt like it. Maybe more will follow...
Meanwhile I have a Carrot to run after....